Sending Gifts To Your Sponsored Child:
Please Note:
The best way to send your child a gift is to make a monetary gift so that the item can be purchased locally in Uganda. If you would like your child to receive a specific gift, please make a note in the memo line when mailing a check, or if donating online. Please mail checks or money orders to 10205 US Highway 1, Sebastian, FL 32958.
Another Way: We will notify you when we have a mission team traveling to Uganda, so that you can put together a personal gallon-sized ziploc bag full of goodies that will be hand-delivered to your sponsored child.
Please fit everything into one gallon-sized ziploc bag per sponsored child, write your name and your sponsored child’s name on the outside of the bag with a permanent marker, and mail to 10205 US Highway 1, Sebastian, FL 32958
Gift Items that can be included in a gallon-sized ziploc bag:
Note, some of these guidelines can change due to customs regulations.
Hygiene Items like toothbrush, underwear, socks (non-white), washcloth, bar of soap, band-aids, nail clipper (no liquid items)
Toys such as cars or trucks, tennis ball, doll, kazoo, harmonica, whistle, jump rope, deflated soccer ball with pump.
School Supplies such as pens, erasers, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, solar calculator, coloring/activity books, and picture books
Other Gifts may include flashlights, t-shirts, ball cap, sunglasses, hard candy and lollipops (please put in separate small ziploc bag within the gallon-sized bag), necklace, bracelet, watch, stickers, bookmarks, photos of you and your family
Please Do Not Include:
Used or damaged items, money, war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures, chocolate or food, liquids or lotions, medications or vitamins, breakable items such as snow-globes or glass containers, aerosol cans, balloons, hair bows and hair brushes.
The children love receiving practical items, so please minimize the toy and novelty items. Remove extra packaging to save space.

What Should I Write About?
Our children regularly think about and pray for their sponsors. You are investing in their lives, and they consider you family.
Write as if you are. Letters should be mailed to Imani Milele Children, [Sponsored Child's Name], 10205 US Highway 1, Sebastian, FL 32958.
Be encouraging! And please be sensitive to the child's economic situation. Avoid discussing the material aspects of your life, or including your address, phone number, or email. Here is what you can share in your letters.